Chalkboard Paint

Chalkboard Paint has become one of my favorite new crafting tools.

There are so many things that you can do with it. Here are just a few:

1. Paint Baking Pans

2. Paint Kitchen Jars

3. Paint Bathroom Jars

4. Paint inside or outside of pantries

5. Paint a wall in the kid’s playroom or basement

6. Coffee Mugs

7. Wine Bottles

8. Flower Pots

9. Placemats

10. Your Fridge

The ones I personally have tried are the coffee mugs, wine bottles, kitchen pantry door, bathroom jars and kitchen jars. The paint only takes about an hour to dry, you may need to put on a 2nd coat. But it’s super easy and all you need is the chalkboard paint and a paint brush.

I bought the chalkboard paint at Micheal’s for about $6 and the brush for $1.00 I also had a 30% off coupon (you can get these in the mail if you subscribe to their emails).

chalkboard paint

Here are some pictures of my DIY Chalkboard Projects!

chalkboard paintchalkboard paint

Make sure you share some of yours!